Solicitor Consultation Fees2024-06-04T16:45:46+02:00

Solicitor Consultation Fees in Valencia Spain

Transparent & Agreed in Advance


We ensure that your expectations regarding our fees are clear from the very start. No fees are payable until we have your agreement. In order to project our fees correctly, we firstly examine your needs and then we seek to provide you with an engagement letter that sets out the scope of the work required and our fees in order to carry provide you with the services you need.

Should there be a variation of the work required we will seek your fresh approval. In situations where it is not possible to provide you with a closed fee estimate we will seek your agreement to charge an hourly rate which will be communicated to you in advance.

Once off Consultations are subject to a fee of €75 plus IVA. However, if the consultation is to assess whether or not to engage us in relation to a project, property purchase or to make a will for example, we will normally provide you with the first consultation without charge.

Our aim is to ensure that we can deal with the issue of fees clearly, right from the onset, so that we can focus on getting to work for you. All engagements are made with SWAN Partners SCP and are subject to the terms and conditions set out in the letter of engagement signed in relation to the project in question.

Payment Methods 

  1. By Transfer to our account in Spain
  2. By Credit Card in Person in the office
  3. Via Paypal
  4. In Cash up to a maximum of €2500 including VAT

Special Set Rate for Spanish Wills 

We encourage our clients who own property in Spain to have a Spanish will. In order to facilitate this we charge a fixed fee of €150 plus IVA per will. This fee excludes the notary’s fee and tax planning in the event that you need tailored tax advice based on your personal circumstances.