Martin Hayes Addresses Dublin Solicitors Bar Association Conference In Madrid

Martin was delighted to be invited to speak at the DSBA’s Annual Conference in Madrid. The event was a great success bringing together over 150 solicitors from the Dublin area from a broad spectrum of legal practice. Martin’s address set out his experience as an Irish Solicitor taking the step of qualifying as a Spanish Abogado. He then made key observations in the differences between practising in Spain and Ireland. While he sought to keep the talk light hearted, those in attendance were remained engrossed by the often inconceivable experiences that Martin has clocked up during his time in Spain while assisting people from wide and varied number of countries with their affairs in Spain.

The event was of particular importance to Martin as prior to his move to Spain he was a junior council member of the DSBA. The high point of the conference was the Gala Dinner which was held at the Ritz Hotel in Madrid.

While clearly this event was most enjoyable, it also underlined a key function that Martin plays within SWAN Partners, namely to offer assistance to fellow solicitors in Ireland and the United Kingdom with their requirements in Spain. Martin routinely provides assistance to lawyers from many jurisdictions be it to enforce a court order here in Spain or for example to assist with a complex international probate, property or investment issue.

As Martin is a partner of SWAN Partners, he can assist lawyers outside Spain not only with their private client needs but can also provide excellent assistance to their corporate clients. For information as to the Spanish business legal services that SWAN Partners can provide please visit the SWAN Partners website

Martin’s contact details:

SWAN Partners

C/ Colón, 20, 6º-12ª
46004 Valencia (Spain)

Tel  (+34) 96 334 89 83

Dir.  (+34) 96 091 23 25

Mov (+34) 699 84 31 20

Skype martin.hayes_swanpartners

2024-06-04T16:31:40+02:00September 28th, 2015|Articles|

About the Author:

Your Bilingual Dual Qualified Abogado and Solicitor in Valencia, Spain Martin’s primary focus is attending to the wide range of needs of his international clients. He actively assists international clients from first contact right through to the conclusion of the matter in question – be it at the closing of a property purchase at the notary or guiding them through the Spanish court system to obtain a successful judgement. Click here to contact him